Sunday, August 22, 2010

Excel Wish List - HOT DAMN!

There's an old saying in the news business: "If you don't like the news out there, go make some of your own."

I decided to apply that same line of reasoning to Excel functions. Back in a previous blog post, I had asked out loud if certain functions could be included (see Microsoft Office Wish List, the section under Excel):

  1. Count instances of a string (how many times does the letter "e" show up in "Geoff"
  2. Find the nth instance of a string (find where the 3rd "g" shows up in a cell's text)
  3. An ORDINAL function
  4. A work hours elapsed function
  5. A VLOOKUP function with an additional argument for what instance you're looking for
Well, I went 4 for 5 today. I've been able to pull off all of them but #4.

The code follows:

For #1, my challenge was to count how many times a letter or letters show up in a cell's text.

The code:

Public Function CountText(strTexttoCount As String, strTextToFind As String)
Dim strTextoFindLen As String
Dim intTextToCountLen As Integer
Dim intTextToFindLen As Integer
Dim g As Integer
intTextToCountLen = Len(strTexttoCount)
intTextToFindLen = Len(strTextToFind)
For g = 1 To intTextToCountLen
If Mid(strTexttoCount, g, intTextToFindLen) = strTextToFind Then
CountText = CountText + 1
End If
End Function

This one proved to be pretty straightforward; pass the cell's text and the text to find as string variables to a function, then loop through the cell's text letter by letter. If the text to find is there, then increment a counter by 1. When you're all done looping, what is the counter at?

#2 was the Nth instance of a string - find what position in a string does the 3rd g, the fourth f, the second T show up?

The code:
Public Function ModeFind(strTexttoCount As String, strTextToFind As String, intInstancetoCount As Integer)
Dim strTextoFindLen As String
Dim intTextToCountLen As Integer
Dim intTextToFindLen As Integer
Dim intTextOccurrence As Integer
Dim g As Integer
intTextToCountLen = Len(strTexttoCount)
intTextToFindLen = Len(strTextToFind)
For g = 1 To intTextToCountLen
If Mid(strTexttoCount, g, intTextToFindLen) = strTextToFind Then
intTextOccurrence = intTextOccurrence + 1
If intTextOccurrence = intInstancetoCount Then
ModeFind = Len(Left(strTexttoCount, g))
End If

End If
If intTextOccurrence <>
ModeFind = 0
End If
End Function

I recycled some code from the previous function to make this one happen, but same idea - loop through the cell's text, and keep looking for the "find" text. Count how many times you find it - when that counter is equal to the instance number, then get the position number, and return it.

#3 was the ORDINAL function idea. This one was actually the easiest of the four that I pulled off; code follows:

Public Function Ordinal(lngNumberToOrdinal As Long)
Select Case Right(lngNumberToOrdinal, 1)
Case 1
Ordinal = lngNumberToOrdinal & "st"
Case 2
Ordinal = lngNumberToOrdinal & "nd"
Case 3
Ordinal = lngNumberToOrdinal & "rd"
Case Else
Ordinal = lngNumberToOrdinal & "th"
End Select
End Function

All I had to do was get the leftmost digit of the number passed to the function, and then figure out what it was. Based on what it was, I added the appropriate suffix using a Select...Case statement.

My #4 challenge, I haven't worked on yet. I found some code from a guy called Jimmy Peña that looks promising...if I get his code to work, I'll let you know.

#5 was a bit of a bugger. My method is inelegant, clunky, and effective:

Public Function vlookupRow(rngRangeToSearch As String, varTexttoFind, lngRow As Long, lngColumn As Long)
Call FindBillyBrown35(rngRangeToSearch, varTexttoFind, lngRow, lngColumn)
vlookupRow = vOurResult
End Function

'This is a heavily modified version of some code from Dave Hawley of that
'I've modified and re-purposed for my own function
'give credit where credit is due
'original can be found at
Sub FindBillyBrown35(rngRangeToSearch As String, varTexttoFind, lngRow As Long, lngColumn As Long)

Dim rFoundIt As Range
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer
' FindBillyBrow Macro
' Using the Find Method over Vlookup
With Sheet1.Range(rngRangeToSearch)
'Set variable to start search from
Set rFoundIt = .Cells(1, 1)
'Loop no more times that the name occurs
For iLoop = 0 To WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(rngRangeToSearch), varTexttoFind)

'ReSet variable to found occurence of name. Next loop search _
will start AFTER this Set cell.
Set rFoundIt = .Find(What:=varTexttoFind, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
intCount = intCount + 1
'Check if it's the right one.
If intCount = lngRow Then
vOurResult = rFoundIt.Offset(0, lngColumn).Value
Exit For 'Leave loop
End If

Next iLoop
End With 'Sheet1.Range("Data")

If IsEmpty(vOurResult) Then
vOurResult = "#N/A"
End If
End Sub

I did the call to the Sub so that I could debug this stupid thing; I was having a devil of a time getting the range to evaluate properly. What I found, after all was said and done, was that if I quoted the range in the function itself (e.g., =VLOOKUPRow("A1:C6","apple",2,2) then I could get it to work perfectly. I'm not thrilled with that solution, but it works, so maybe it's time not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Well, it's a start...just goes to show that if you want to throw down the gauntlet, be prepared to pick it back up, as well. Let that be a lesson to you. Until the next lesson, be well.


Anonymous said...

hi, I dropped here for excel "wish lists" and have couple of points to make:
1) can get more effective/quick using a technique to put the string entirely in a byte array. Search for it here:
2) and probably even 1) could be done with array formulas within excel. Complicated and not "elegant" but can be done. I hope i can send some sample soon
4) define what you look after exactly so I help if I can
5) such funtiong exist for some time. they compare in arguments and effectiveness. look for getif from Apostolos55.
promise to be back soon

contact me at

Geoff Lilley said...


1) You're right. Didn't know that existed. Regrettably, my lack of training in computer science meant I was not familiar with Levenshtein Distance, but that's very elegant.
1(a) Also true. I tend to go to VBA too quick sometimes.
4) Basically, take two cells, each with a date and time. As we know, there is a robust, well-documented NETWORKDAYS function that will get the business days between the two, if we pass it a named range or a reference of cells with holidays. My thought is have a function called NETWORKHOURS, where I can pass the start date/time, the end date/time, the work hours, and the holidays, so I can calculate the work hours between the two dates.
5) Love GETIF. Not quite what I had in mind. What I was looking for was a way to find the third instance of the word "john" or the second instance of a DOB. But what you offered there is superb. Nice work.